In construction projects the labour trend moves with the programme.
With the requirement to increase and decrease the workforce on a project on a regular basis. A construction company needs to have very rigid processes in place to deal with the legal requirements of bringing a new person into your workforce. Several departments require information from that person. The project team sits between these departments and the new member of the workforce, along with all their other duties. They must ensure that they have completed a company and client health and safety induction, collect personal information like their address and telephone number. They then must get a name and telephone number for their next of kin. They will then be required to answer questions on their health to find out if they require an additional risk assessment before they can work on the project. The required documents then need to be signed to agree to the company’s policies and legislation as well as the ID check. The company must take a copy of their passport, driving licence or identity card. This document must be transferred from the project to the head office whilst operating within the strict guidelines of GDPR.
Understanding requirements
SPUD’s Fit For Work Module establishes the requirements for workforce members to reach compliance for a company. You can choose the sections of their profile that they need to complete. These include personal information, banking and tax details and Identification. You can create an electronic questionnaire with pass/fail answers as well as adding a declaration and signature. You can also attach hard copies of documents for them to print out, sign and then attach to their profile. The profile is marked as ‘Fit For Work’ when all the set requirements have been completed. If there are outstanding elements, indicators are shown on the users profile and for the manager saving and submitting the timesheet.
Now all members of your workforce can upload their identification for review by your office with the strict guidelines of GDPR (insert link) with expiry notifications so you can ensure your workforce are fit for work.
Internal Training
You can now create internal training like ‘Tool Box Talks’, Inductions, RAMS and Task Briefings. Have your team complete them with the audit trail for having passed the information to them and the confirmation that they have read and understood the information by answering the questions you’ve set. When they complete the training it automatically populates in SPUD’s Internal Training Matrix, making it easy to see at a glance how compliant your workforce are. You can now add a COVID-19 Induction to your internal training and have it identify for all your managers on the Internal Training Matrix.
With SPUD’s calendar at the heart of the system you’ve got total control over the tasks you set for any or all your users. Pick the document you want completed and simply schedule the task to be repeated on a regular basis, daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Document control
SPUD holds all of your company’s documents and puts the information each user needs right in the palm of their hand – but ONLY the information they need. No more and no less.
We’ve designed SPUD with the construction industry in mind, ensuring it can break down a huge mass of documents into manageable categories and sub-categories. Our project management tool makes it easy for you to choose which categories each individual user can see, and generally ease the entire construction process. And every single document has a reference number, an issue and revision dates so you know for sure you’re complying with that lovely ISO 9001 certificate you may well have hanging on the office wall.
So, no more of those mystifying random documents that Mick the Brickie brought with him from his last job! And we’ve made it as easy for your users as it is for you. They just choose the document they want from the category and download it. Then they complete and upload it. Job done – well nearly… Importantly, we know this isn’t information for the sake of it. You need to collate this stuff into various reports – which is why SPUD enables you to add questions/prompts that elicit the key information.
Database storage
What happens when your project’s are all done and dusted? Relax! We’ll automatically store everything for 12 months from the day you close it down (and open it up!). After that we’ll archive it in our database all free of charge for another year… Then it’s up to you – get the whole thing in a readable Zip file or make use of our storage tool for just £2 per month per 100gb of data (and of course, we’ll let you know in plenty of time before we hit your agreed retention date).
If you would like to discuss SPUD in more detail, and how our useful project management software could assist you, please call us today!
Mobile documents
SPUD enables you to create and distribute safety audits to your workforce whilst ensuring there is a complete and compliant audit trail.
Create your document with a range of question types, set weights against your answers to get notifications when issues arise on your projects.
Request a photo for any question and you can even ask the user to sign the document.
We’re currently designing reporting functions on these documents to push data back to management on all project functions.
All audits are exportable from the software tool in PDF, so far, we’ve helped customers set up:
- Site Audits
- LOLER Checks
- PUWER Checks
- Pre-start plant checks
- Pre / Post pour inspections
- Excavation check sheet
- Near miss reporting
- Handover Sheet
- Permits to work
This list could go on forever.